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Can a bigger Heathrow be green?

"The government's decision to expand Heathrow has provoked fury from green groups, climate scientists, local MPs, local people and opposition parties."


Celebrities buy Heathrow land to delay third runway

"Land earmarked by Heathrow owner BAA to build a third runway has been bought by a group of celebrities, scientists, politicians and green campaigners in an attempt to severely delay the development. The new runway would make...


Teenage drivers blocked from texting

"A new service called Textecution uses a phone's in-built GPS system to detect how fast the handset is travelling. If the phone is moving quicker than 10mph, its messaging capability is immediately shut down. When the phone comes...


20 big green ideas

"Troubled times call for ingenious solutions and, from green coal to hydrogen-fuelled ships and the birth of "transumption", here are some of the brightest. Lucy Siegle explains the latest ecovations"


Exxon chief backs carbon tax

"The world's biggest oil company, Exxon Mobil, has softened its hardline position on climate change by throwing its weight behind a tax on carbon emissions."

Displaying results 151 to 155 out of 341